First Exchange Meeting: Good Practices Europe – Latin America

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The Exchange Meeting of good practices of university ombudsmen in Europe and Latin America, of the Erasmus+ BRAVIOO project, was held.

On June 18 and 19, 2024, the Meeting for the Exchange of Good Practices of University Ombudsmen in Europe and Latin America, of the BRAVIOO project, coordinated by the Carlos III University of Madrid, was held at the Universidad da Beira Interior in Covilha, Portugal. (UC3M) and of which universities from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Honduras and Portugal are part.

The opening of the First Meeting was led by Mário Raposo, rector of the University of Beira Interior (UBI); Afonso Gomes, UBI Student Provider and Emilio Olías, coordinator of the BRAVIOO project.

The Meeting of Good Practices between Europe and Latin America has been a space for dialogue that brought together a group of European and Latin American specialists who shared their knowledge and experiences in various spaces of university advocacy, ranging from institutional perspectives in the broad context of human rights to the holding of good practice workshops on specific issues

On the first day, the topic of University Ombudsmen and Human Rights in Portugal and Spain was addressed, with experiences from UC3M and Rosa Vasconcelos, president of the Portuguese Network of Higher Education Student Providers (RPE). Another panel was about University Ombudsmen and Human Rights in Latin America, where the virtual conference was led by Cristina Ayoub Riche, former president of the Ibero-American Network of University Ombudsmen (RIdDU); Dante Haro, president of the RIdDU; Fernando Sánchez Lárraga, former vice president of the RIdDU and Carmen Torres, advisor to the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB).

The second day’s sessions were held in a workshop format, addressing topics such as: how to use the conflict mediation model appropriately in university ombudsman offices; good mental health practices; comprehensive approach in cases of harassment in the university environment; ombudsman tools in the promotion of human rights; approach in crisis situations; the self-care and resilience of the defenders and naturally the vision of the student communities of both regions and the impact of the Defenders’ Offices. In this way, the BRAVIOO project advances in achieving its medium and long-term objectives.