Read more First Exchange Meeting: Of Good Practices Europe-Latin America News Read more The project was formally launched with the participation of representatives from 11 institutions from Spain, Portugal, Honduras, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. Kick-Off Meeting News

Kick-Off Meeting

The project was formally launched, with the participation of representatives from 11

The project was formally launched, with the participation of representatives from 11 institutions in Spain, Portugal, Honduras, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.


Role and importance of university ombudsmen in Latin America and Europe

Role and importance of university ombudsmen in Latin America and Europe


First Meeting for the Exchange of Good Practices between Europe and Latin America

First Meeting for the Exchange of Good Practices between Europe and Latin America

About the project

What is BRAVIOO?

The BRAVIOO project is an international cooperation initiative between European and Latin American universities, whose main objective is to strengthen and implement the University Ombudsman’s Office (DU) in participating higher education institutions in Latin America.

The project is led by the University Ombudsman’s Office (DU) of the Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain), together with the DU for Students of the Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) and the consultancy firm ODS (Spain).

// About the project

Participating countries


From Spain, the Carlos III University of Madrid participates


The Universidade da Beira Interior participates from the country of Portugal


From the country of Argentina, the National University of Córdoba and the National University of the Northeast participate


From the country of Bolivia, the Private Technological University of Santa Cruz and the University of Valle participate


From the country of Chile, the Adolfo Ibáñez University and the University of the Border participate


The National Autonomous University of Honduras and the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University are participating from Honduras.

About the project


The project is led by the University Ombudsman's Office (DU) of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), together with the Provedoria do Estudantes UBI (Portugal) and the consultancy ODS (Spain). The consortium also includes eight Latin American universities:


University Carlos III of Madrid


National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazan


University of Beira Interior


National University of Cordoba


National University of the Northeast


Private Technological University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra


Private University of Valle


Adolfo Ibanez University


University of the Frontier


National Autonomous University of Honduras

About the project

Benefits of the

The benefits of the BRAVIOO Project extend to the entire university community of the participating institutions, and include:

Implementation or modernization of the University Ombudsman's Office

Support will be provided for the creation or strengthening of University Ombudsman's Offices at participating universities, guaranteeing access to effective mechanisms for conflict resolution and the protection of student rights.

Strengthening the University Ombudsman networks

Collaboration and exchange of experiences between the University Ombudsman's Offices in the region will be encouraged, with the aim of creating a solid and effective network for the defence of university rights.

Promoting a culture of human rights in universities

Efforts will be made to raise awareness in the university community about the importance of human rights and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, creating a more respectful and inclusive academic environment.


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